NEW! Introducing Microneedling at Elegance Beauty

Microneedling is an exceptionally effective treatment to firm, smooth, and tighten the skin. It is a minimally invasive procedure that uses fine needles to make minuscule, evenly-spaced micro-injuries to the skin. This triggers the body's natural wound healing process, stimulating the collogen and elastic production and healthy surrounding tissue to repair damage and brings skin back to its healthiest looking state.

The repair process helps reduce the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles, dark spots, open pores & acne scarring while promoting even skin tone and improving the overall texture of the skin.

With an advanced skin treatment, a series of treatments is recommended for long lasting, visible results. It will depend on your unique skin and goals, but generally a series of 3-6 treatments every 4-6 weeks apart.

It can be uncomfortable in certain areas of your face, however the treatment is fairly quick and your professional skin therapist will work with you and your skin, progressing the treatment over time

There's no significant downtime with this minimally invasive procedure. You may experience some mild redness & irritation for 2-3 days after Microneedling, but this will subside quickly with the aftercare programme given to you.